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193.043 - Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 (PR 6.0ECTS)

Tellioglu, Hilda
Tellioglu, Hilda
Michahelles, Florian
Wolling, Florian
Kassem, Khaled
Shahu, Ambika

E193 Institut für Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Tellioglu, Hilda
Michahelles, Florian
Wintersberger, Philipp
Kassem, Khaled
Shahu, Ambika
Mikusch, Gerfried

E193 Institut für Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Tellioglu, Hilda
Michahelles, Florian
Wintersberger, Philipp
Kassem, Khaled
Shahu, Ambika
Mikusch, Gerfried

E193 Institut für Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Tellioglu, Hilda
Wagner, Marlene
Fischer, Fabian
Mikusch, Gerfried

E193 Institut für Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Tellioglu, Hilda
Fikar, Peter
Mikusch, Gerfried
Cech, Florian

E193 Institut für Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology