• Overview

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Technical Mathematics (2022S)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (7)

101.674 Analysis 1 (VO)
101.675 Analysis 1 (UE)
101.275 Introduction to Programming (VU) [414]
101.672 Introduction to working mathematically (VU)
104.513 Introduction to working mathematically (VU)
104.504 Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 (VO)
104.274 Linear Algebra and Geometry I (UE)

2. Semester (8)

101.257 Analysis 2 (VO)
103.301 Analysis 2 (UE) [42]
101.463 Computer mathematics (VU) [105]
505.001 Fields of Mathematics (VO)
104.282 Linear Algebra and Geometry (UE)
104.279 Linear Algebra and Geometry 2 (VO)
107.A02 measure - and probability theory I (UE) [27]
107.A01 Measure and Probability Theory I (VO)

3. Semester (14)

101.446 Analysis 3 (VO)
101.448 Analysis 3 (UE) [48]
105.120 Insurance contract law (VO)
105.614 Introduction to Optimization (VU) [5]
105.048 Life insurance mathematics (VO)
105.591 Life Insurance Mathematics Exercises (UE) [27]
105.606 Macroeconomics for WM (VO)
105.608 Macroeconomics for WM (UE)
107.A08 Measure- and Probability Theory (VO)
107.A09 Measure- and Probabilty Theory (UE) [66]
106.064 Numerical Analysis (UE) [66]
101.313 Numerical Analysis A (VO)
101.320 Numerical Analysis B (VO)
105.226 Versicherungswirtschaftslehre 1 (VO)

4. Semester (18)

104.998 Algebra (VO)
104.304 Algebra UE (UE) [1]
105.105 Buchhaltung im Vers.Wesen (VO)
101.665 Differential Equations 1 (VO)
101.666 Differential Equations 1 (UE) [32]
101.341 Functional Analysis 1 UE (UE) [21]
101.781 Functional Analysis (VO)
101.782 Functional Analysis for TM (VO)
105.692 Introduction to Statistics (VO)
105.693 Introduction to Statistics (UE)
105.695 Introduction to stochastic processes and time series (VO)
105.121 Introduction to stochastic processes and time series analysis (UE) [37]
105.594 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (VO) [1]
105.595 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (UE) [21]
105.605 Microeconomics for WM (VO)
105.607 Microeconomics for WM (UE)
105.615 Operations Research (VO) [13]
105.616 Operations Research (UE) [20]

5. Semester (30)

105.596 Basics of econometrics (VO)
109.012 Basics of econometrics (UE)
107.258 Computerstatistik (VU) [96]
104.259 Discrete and geometric algorithms (UE) [43]
104.999 Discrete and geometric algorithms (VO)
107.329 Engineering Statistics (VO)
107.A15 Engineering Statistics (UE)
105.117 Insurance supervision law (VO)
105.601 Life and health insurance mathematics (VO)
105.602 Life and health insurance methematics (UE) [24]
106.064 Numerical Analysis (UE) [66]
101.320 Numerical Analysis B (VO)
101.803 Partial Differential Equations (VU)
101.389 Seminar aus Analysis mit Seminararbeit (SE)
104.228 Seminar in Discrete Mathematics with seminar paper (SE)
105.133 Seminar in Econometrics with Seminar Paper (SE)
105.135 Seminar in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (with seminar paper) (SE)
101.377 Seminar on Simulation with Seminar Work (SE)
101.401 Seminar with a term paper; numerics (SE)
101.874 Seminar with seminar paper (SE)
101.940 Seminar with seminar paper (SE)
104.226 Seminar with seminar paper (SE)
105.124 Seminar with seminar paper (SE)
101.570 Seminar with seminar paper Differential Equations (SE)
101.955 Seminar with seminar paper differential equations (SE)
101.933 Seminar with seminar paper From Schauderbases to Wavelets (SE)
101.906 Seminar with seminar paper in functional analysis (SE)
101.957 Seminar with seminar paper on Numerical Analysis: Fixed point theorems (SE)
101.936 Seminar with seminar paper on PDEs (SE)
107.424 seminar with workout (SE)

6. Semester (22)

107.413 Application course with bachelor thesis (PR)
105.692 Introduction to Statistics (VO)
105.693 Introduction to Statistics (UE)
105.043 Non-life insurance mathematics (UE) [5]
105.047 Non life insurance mathematics (VO)
105.113 Practical course (with bachelor theses) (PR)
105.165 Practical course Financial Mathematics (with bachelor theses) (PR)
104.229 Project in Discrete Mathematics with Bachelor Thesis (PR)
104.243 Project in Logic with Bachelor Thesis (PR)
105.598 Project with Bachelor Thesis (Econometrics) (PR)
105.627 Project with Bachelor Thesis (Economics) (PR)
101.896 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
101.897 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
101.899 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
101.900 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
101.903 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
104.260 Project with Bachelor thesis (PR)
104.284 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
104.381 Project with bachelor thesis (PR)
101.895 Project with bachelor thesis on numerics / numerics of PDEs (PR)
105.617 Project with bachelor work (Operations Research and Control Systems) (PR)
105.603 Risk management in finance and insurance (VU)

8. Semester (6)

101.941 AKNUM, AKOR Numerical optimisation (VO)
101.942 AKNUM, AKOR Numerical optimisation (UE)
101.961 AKNUM Numerical methods for ODEs for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (VO)
101.962 AKNUM Numerical methods for ODEs for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (UE)
057.033 Parallel Programming for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (VU)
101.944 Scientific Programming for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (VU)

9. Semester (2)

060.020 German A1/1 (VU)
105.736 Introduction to Python for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (VO)

Without semester recommendation (356)

112.040 (AKGEO) Computer Aided Differential Geometry (VU)
104.469 - (UE) [26]
104.470 - (VO)
104.471 - (UE)
104.472 - (VO)
101.500 .. (VO) [17]
101.502 .. (UE)
105.657 Advanced life insurance mathematics (VU)
105.690 Advanced Macroeconomics (VO)
105.691 Advanced Macroeconomics (SE)
104.394 Advanced Mathematical Logic (VU)
105.707 Advanced Methods for Regression and Classification (VU)
185.211 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (VL) [3]
107.A27 Advanced Probabilitz Theory (UE) [68]
107.A26 Advanced Probabilty Theory (VO)
104.108 AKALG: Research seminar (SE)
104.447 AKALG Combinatorial representation theory (VO)
104.554 AKALG Finite Model Theory (UE)
104.558 AKALG Finite Model Theory (VO)
104.501 AKALG Lie algebras and representation theory 1 (VO)
104.598 AKALG Minimal Taylor Algebras (SE)
101.434 AKANA: Analysis Seminar for Master Studentens (SE)
105.734 AKANA AKFVM AKNUM AKWTH Monte-Carlo Methods (VU)
104.595 AKANA AKGEO Curvature equations (VO)
104.580 AKANA AKGEO Curve shortening flow (VO)
104.593 AKANA AKGEO Geometric valuation theory (SE)
104.613 AKANA AKGEO Geometry of Optimal Transportation (VO)
101.927 AKANA AKNUM From Schauderbases to Wavelets (SE)
101.958 AKANA AKWTH Seminar on Rough Paths Theory and Differential Equations (SE)
101.908 AKANA AKWTH Stochastic PDEs (VO)
101.911 AKANA AKWTH Stochastic PDEs (UE)
113.052 AKANA Analytische Zahlentheorie (VO)
101.807 AKANA Canonical Systems (VO)
101.928 AKANA Compact Operators: Selected Topics (VO)
101.946 AKANA Mathematical Theory of elasticity (VO)
101.335 AKANA nonlinear partial differential eqautions (UE) [47]
101.334 AKANA nonlinear partial differential equations (VO) [9]
101.935 AKANA Seminar in Partial Differential Equations (Hamilton-Jacobi equations) (SE)
101.868 AKANA Stochastic differential equations and their numerics (VO)
101.869 AKANA Stochastic differential equations and their numerics (UE)
101.873 AKANA Theory of Distributions (VO)
107.303 AKANW: Fuzzy models (VO)
101.542 AKANW Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations (SE)
101.722 AKANW Project Machine Learning: Theory and Applications (PR)
119.031 AKDEK: Ökonometrie d. Finanzmärkte (VO)
104.597 AKDIS Combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials, heaps and growth diagrams (VO)
104.131 AKDIS Seminar in Discrete Mathematics (SE)
110.198 AKDUFO.Graphenth.Meth.d.Op.Res. (VO) [7]
110.209 AKDUFO.Graphenth.Meth.d.Op.Res. UE (UE) [38]
175.868 AKDVWT (AKVWL) Umweltökonomie (Volkswirtschaftslehre für VW) (VO)
110.050 AKDÖK Nichtlineare Dynamische Systeme (VO)
105.738 AKFVM AKWTH Fractional deterministic and stochastic calculus (VO)
105.688 AKFVM Limit order book and high frequency trading (VO)
105.737 AKFVM Reinsurance (VO)
105.703 AKFVM Rough volatility models (VO)
105.674 AKFVM Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability (SE)
105.630 AKFVM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 3 (VO)
105.631 AKFVM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 3 (UE)
105.742 AKFVM Stochastic Analysis in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics 4 (VO)
105.743 AKFVM Stochastische Analysis in Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik 4 (UE)
104.614 AKGEO AKDIS Convex Polytopes (VO)
113.111 AKGEO Circle- and Sphere Geometries (VO)
113.115 AKGEO Circle- and Sphere Geometries (UE)
104.578 AKGEO Computer Aided Geometric Design (VO)
104.579 AKGEO Computer Aided Geometric Design (UE)
111.092 AKGEO Projects in Mathematics (PR)
104.362 AKGEO Seminar in Differential Geometry (SE)
104.612 AKGEO Seminar on Geometry - Applied Geometry (SE)
104.611 AKINF AKALG The Constraint Satisfaction Problem dichotomy (SE)
118.131 AKLOG. Beweistheorie 1 (VO)
104.571 AKLOG (SE)
104.508 AKLOG: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems (VO)
104.509 AKLOG: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems (UE)
118.211 AKLOG: Proof Theory 2 (VO)
104.601 AKLOG Introduction to model theory (VO)
104.602 AKLOG Introduction to model theory (UE)
104.608 AKLOG Model theory II (VO)
104.609 AKLOG Model theory II (UE)
104.570 AKLOG Research seminar (SE)
101.787 AKMOD: Applied Modelling in System Simulation (VU)
101.445 AKMOD: Mathematical Modelling in System-Simulation (SE)
101.756 AKMOD: Mathematical Modelling in System Simulation (VO)
101.758 AKMOD: Mathematical Modelling in System Simulation (UE)
101.759 AKMOD: Modelling and Simulation of dynamical Systems (PR)
101.875 AKMOD AKNUM Numerical methods in acoustics (VO)
101.941 AKNUM, AKOR Numerical optimisation (VO)
101.942 AKNUM, AKOR Numerical optimisation (UE)
101.879 AKNUM Advanced Reinfordement Learning (VU)
101.716 AKNUM Eigenwertprobleme (VU) [11]
101.929 AKNUM Modeling of Nonlinear Coupled Field Problems (VO)
101.930 AKNUM Modeling of Nonlinear Coupled Field Problems (UE)
101.473 AKNUM practical work in technical mathematics (PR)
101.789 AKNUM Reinforcement Learning (VU)
101.953 AKNUM Scientific Computing for Finite Element Methods (VU)
105.673 AKOEK/AKFVM Selected topics in econometrics, finance and insurance (SE)
105.651 AKOEK Projekt aus Ökonometrie mit R (PR)
110.043 AKOR Mathematical Models of Drug Use and Drug Control (VO)
105.658 AKOR Project in Operations Research (PR)
105.747 AKOR Seminar of Variational Analysis Dynamics and Operations Research (SE)
107.805 AKSTA.Seminar (SE)
107.134 AKSTA: Statistisches Projektpraktikum (PR)
105.735 AKSTA Case Studies in Statistics (VU)
105.741 AKSTA Large-Scale Inference (VU)
105.681 AKSTA Nonparametric Methods (VO)
107.175 AKSTA Seminar aus Stochastik (SE)
105.731 AKSTA Statistical Computing (VU)
105.643 Aktuarielle Modellierung (VO)
105.635 AKVFM Gesamtbanksteuerung unter Basel III ICAAP under Basel III (VO)
105.053 AKVFM Ruin theory (VU)
105.029 AKVFM Selected topics in stochastics (SE)
105.089 AKVFM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 1 (UE) [36]
105.091 AKVFM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 2 (VO)
105.092 AKVFM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 2 (UE) [20]
105.687 AKVWL Dynamic Macroeconomic Modelling (VU)
105.723 AKVWL Inequality in Macroeconomics (VU)
107.939 AKWTH.Warteschlangentheorie (VO)
105.721 AKWTH Seminar in Probability Theory (SE)
104.998 Algebra (VO)
104.304 Algebra UE (UE) [1]
186.814 Algorithmics (VU)
104.345 Analysis of Algorithms (VO)
104.347 Analysis of Algorithms (UE) [24]
130.009 Analytic Mechanics for TPH (VU) [70]
301.045 Applied Dynamics and nonlinear Oscillations (VO)
301.067 Applied Dynamics and nonlinear Oscillations (UE)
104.491 Applied geometry (VO)
104.492 Applied geometry (UE) [22]
105.654 Applied Operations Research (VO)
105.655 Applied Operations Research (UE) [23]
322.074 Asymptotic Methods of Fluid Mechanics (VU)
142.086 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (VO)
142.089 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (UE) [31]
184.774 Automated Deduction (VU)
105.596 Basics of econometrics (VO)
109.012 Basics of econometrics (UE)
107.395 Bayesian Statistics (VO)
107.397 Bayesian Statistics (UE) [58]
322.029 Boundary layer theory (VO)
101.152 Brain Modeling (VO)
107.386 Classification and Discriminant Analysis (VU) [21]
104.396 Complex Analysis (VO)
104.398 Complex Analysis (UE) [4]
181.142 Complexity theory (VU) [9]
185.203 Computability Theory (VU)
105.626 Computational Economics (SE)
105.622 Computational Social Simulation (VU)
186.830 Computergraphics (VO)
186.831 Computergraphics (UE)
107.258 Computerstatistik (VU) [96]
376.059 Control systems 1 (VO)
376.060 Control systems 2 (VO)
105.642 Credit risk models and derivatives (VU)
184.686 Data Base Systems (VU) [18]
389.153 Data Communications (VO)
184.700 Declarative Problem Solving (VO)
101.314 Differential Equations 2 (UE) [13]
101.329 Differential Equations 2 (VO)
104.356 Differential Geometry (VO)
104.358 Differential Geometry (UE) [41]
104.349 Discrete Methods (VO)
104.350 Discrete Methods (UE) [10]
182.702 Distributed Algorithms (VU)
105.646 Dynamic Macroeconomics (VO)
105.647 Dynamic Macroeconomics (UE)
105.600 Econometrics II (VU) [4]
370.058 Economics of electricity and hydropower (VO)
105.715 Economic Statistics (VU)
182.691 Electrical Engineering (VO) [13]
182.692 Electrical Engineering (LU) [34]
354.077 Electrodynamics (VU)
136.015 Electrodynamics I (VU) [251]
136.047 Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56]
136.018 Electrodynamics II (VO)
107.A16 Elements of mathematical Stochastics (VO) [3]
107.A17 Elements of Mathematical Stochastics (UE) [18]
107.329 Engineering Statistics (VO)
107.A15 Engineering Statistics (UE)
105.636 Financial Markets, Financial Intermediation and Capital Investment (VO)
105.057 Financial mathematics (VO) [1]
105.131 Financial mathematics (UE) [27]
185.291 Formal Methods in Computer Science (VO) [26]
101.341 Functional Analysis 1 UE (UE) [21]
101.781 Functional Analysis (VO)
101.280 Functional Analysis 2 (UE) [15]
101.295 Functional Analysis 2 (VO)
101.782 Functional Analysis for TM (VO)
101.784 Functional Analysis for WM/FAM (VO)
185.A03 Functional Programming (VU) [49]
370.059 Fundamentals of electrical engineering (VT) (VO)
105.649 Game Theoretic Modelling (VO)
105.650 Game Theoretic Modelling (UE) [94]
105.725 General Regression Models (VU)
104.351 Geometric analysis (VO)
104.355 Geometric analysis (UE) [5]
136.002 Geometry and Gravitation -- Differential Geometry and General Relativity (SV)
136.008 Geometry and Gravitation II (SV)
104.359 Geometry Processing (VO)
104.360 Geometry Processing (UE) [12]
301.023 Hamiltonian Systems (SV)
107.A23 Information- and Coding Theory (UE) [31]
107.A18 Information and Coding theory (VO)
175.035 Information Economics (VO)
105.062 Insurance business management 2 (VU)
105.639 Interest rate models and derivatives (VU)
105.145 International Financial Reporting (VO)
105.623 International Trade Theory and Policy 1 (VO)
136.026 Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3]
309.029 Introduction to Multi-body-system dynamics (VO)
105.614 Introduction to Optimization (VU) [5]
101.405 Introduction to Scientific Computing (VU) [40]
360.241 Introduction to Semiconductor Physics and Devices (VU)
105.695 Introduction to stochastic processes and time series (VO)
105.121 Introduction to stochastic processes and time series analysis (UE) [37]
376.061 Laboratory Control systems 1 (LU)
376.062 Laboratory Control systems 2 (LU)
108.030 Lambda Calculus (VO)
105.601 Life and health insurance mathematics (VO)
105.602 Life and health insurance methematics (UE) [24]
105.048 Life insurance mathematics (VO)
105.591 Life Insurance Mathematics Exercises (UE) [27]
104.340 Logic and Foundations of Mathematics (VO)
104.342 Logic and Foundations of Mathematics UE (UE)
185.A12 Logic programming and constraints (VU)
101.696 Machine learning (SE)
184.702 Machine Learning (VU)
105.606 Macroeconomics for WM (VO)
105.608 Macroeconomics for WM (UE)
101.647 Math.Seminar Hörtheorie (SE)
107.079 Math.Statistik (VO)
105.594 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (VO) [1]
105.595 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (UE) [21]
105.051 Mathematical finance 1 (SE)
202.647 Mathematical Systems Biology (VO)
107.210 Mathematische Statistik Übungen (UE) [50]
105.126 Microeconometrics (VO) [1]
105.599 Microeconometrics (UE) [21]
105.605 Microeconomics for WM (VO)
105.607 Microeconomics for WM (UE)
194.076 Modeling and Simulation (VU)
101.806 Modeling with partial differential integrations (RE)
101.852 Modelling and analysis of the cardiovascular system (VU)
104.436 Modelling and Visualization 1 (VO)
104.437 Modelling and Visualization 1 (UE)
104.438 Modelling and Visualization 2 (VO)
104.441 Modelling and Visualization 2 (UE)
319.030 Multiphase Systems (VO) [5]
322.054 Multiphase Systems (UE)
107.388 Multivariate Statistics (VO)
107.391 Multivariate Statistics (UE) [30]
101.186 Nervenmodelle (VO)
183.286 Network Services (VU)
309.518 Nichtlineare Elastizitätstheorie (VO)
192.085 Non-classical Logics (VU)
105.043 Non-life insurance mathematics (UE) [5]
105.047 Non life insurance mathematics (VO)
105.147 Nonlinear Programming (VO)
105.652 Nonlinear Programming (UE) [34]
184.188 Nonmonotonic Reasoning (VU)
302.042 Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics (VO)
101.773 Numerical methods for PDEs (VO)
101.775 Numerical methods for PDEs (UE)
302.044 Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (UE)
360.242 Numerical Simulation and Scientific Computing I (VU)
106.065 Numerical solution of differential equations (UE) [95]
101.316 Numerics of differential equations (VO) [12]
101.509 Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (VO)
101.532 Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (UE) [10]
101.506 Numerics of partial differential equations: stationary problems (VO)
101.507 Numerics of partial differential equations: stationary problems (UE) [13]
101.403 Numerics seminar (SE)
188.391 Object-Oriented Modeling (VU)
384.061 Object-oriented Programming (VU)
105.619 Operations Management (VU) [25]
105.615 Operations Research (VO) [13]
105.616 Operations Research (UE) [20]
387.028 Optical Systems (VO)
105.618 Optimization practice (VU) [25]
101.803 Partial Differential Equations (VU)
142.725 Pfadintegral i.Quantenmech.u.Feldtheorie (VO)
387.088 Photonics 1 (VO)
141.A23 Physics for students of Electronics and Electronical Engineering (UE) [30]
141.A19 Physics for students of Electronics and Electrotechnical Engineering (VO) [5]
175.024 Political Economy of Europe (VO)
105.159 Practice of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (VO)
265.003 private law (VO)
104.448 Privatissimum (PV)
104.449 Privatissimum (PV)
362.170 PRivatissimum (PV)
104.369 Privatissimum Differential Geometry (PV)
104.562 Privatissimum Differential Geometry (PV)
104.582 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.154 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.162 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.664 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.686 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.709 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.718 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
105.729 Privatissimum for diploma and doctoral students (PV)
101.830 Privatissimum for PhD and MSc students of the workgroup Numerics of PDEs (PV)
101.594 Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden (PV)
104.603 Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden (PV)
105.748 Privatissimum of Variational Analysis Dynamics and Operations Research (PV)
104.403 Projective geometry (VO)
104.404 Projective goemetry (UE) [1]
101.197 Projektpraktikum aus Techn.Mathematik (PR)
136.019 Quantum Mechanics I (VU) [293]
136.027 Quantum Mechanics II (VU) [189]
186.101 Rendering (VO)
101.905 Repetitorium for functional analysis 1 (RE)
101.951 Revision course for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (RE)
105.638 Risk and Ruin Theory (VO)
105.603 Risk management in finance and insurance (VU)
105.041 Risk theory (UE) [34]
191.125 Scientific Programming with Python (VU)
107.A21 selected chapters of probability theory (VO)
107.A22 Selected topics in probability theory (UE) [16]
184.749 Semantics of Programming Languages (VU)
104.373 Seminar analysis on manifolds (SE)
109.002 Seminar aus Angewandter Ökonometrie (SE)
101.047 Seminar aus Funktionalanalysis (SE)
105.744 Seminar for Students Working on their Diploma or Doctoral Theses (SE)
186.862 Seminar in Algorithms Graphs and Geometry (SE)
175.046 Seminar in Environmental Economics (SE)
118.051 Seminar in Logic (SE)
184.067 Seminar in theoretical computer science (SE)
184.754 Seminar on Algorithms (SE)
186.182 Seminar on Algorithms (SE)
387.083 Signals and Systems 1 (VU)
389.055 Signals and Systems 2 (VU) [57]
101.454 Simulation (VU)
105.152 Social security legislation (VO)
138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
138.024 Solid state physics ll (VO)
105.645 stationary processes and time series analysis, UE (UE)
105.143 Stationary processes and time series analysis (VO)
105.660 Statistical Methods in Insurance (VU) [1]
136.020 Statistical Physics I (VU) [246]
132.065 Statistical Physics II (VO)
107.330 Statistical Simulation and Computerintensive Methods (VU)
105.653 Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 1 (VO)
325.064 Strength of Materials (VU)
304.524 Strömungslehre für Physiker (VO)
104.510 Supervision of Master and PhD students (PV)
130.007 Technical Mechanics for TPH (VU) [36]
101.883 Technische Mathematik für Schülerinnen und Schüler (PU)
105.700 Technology for People For Mathematicians (VO)
108.037 Theoretical Computer Science, Exercise (UE) [7]
108.036 Theoretical Computer Science (VO) [1]
107.697 Theorie Statistischer Schätzung (VO)
105.745 Theory of stochastic processes (UE)
105.746 Theory of stochastic processes (VO)
101.819 Topology: Locally compact groups and Combinatoric (VO)
101.840 Topology: locally compact groups and combinatorics (UE)
101.325 Variational Calculus (VO)
101.518 Variational Calculus (UE)
389.064 Wave propagation (VU) [30]