• Overview

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Technical Physics (2022S)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (10)

103.057 Analysis 1 for TPH (VO) [2]
103.088 Analysis I for TPH (UE) [200]
103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH (UE) [108]
130.001 Fundamentals of Physics Ia (VU) [116]
130.002 Fundamentals of Physics Ib (VU) [1]
130.005 Introduction into the Bachelor Study of Physics (VU)
103.066 Lecture Linear Algebra for TPH (VO) [18]
101.679 Mathematics 1 for Electrical Engineering (VO)
101.680 Mathematics 1 for Electrical Engineering (UE)
103.089 Practical Analysis I for Technical Physics (VU) [155]

2. Semester (7)

103.091 Analysis II for Technical Physicists (UE) [77]
103.087 Analysis II for TPH (VO) [3]
134.163 Basic Electronics (VU) [49]
138.010 experimental excercise in physics (PR) [7]
130.003 Fundamentals of Physics IIa (VU) [75]
130.004 Fundamentals of Physics IIb (VU) [37]
103.058 Practical Analysis II for Technical Physicists (VU) [73]

3. Semester (7)

130.009 Analytic Mechanics for TPH (VU) [70]
134.120 Basic Principles of Physics III (VO) [3]
134.125 Basic Principles of Physics III (UE) [150]
134.124 Laboratory Work II (PR) [8]
135.044 Mathematical Methods in Physics (UE) [347]
136.059 Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics (VO)
130.007 Technical Mechanics for TPH (VU) [36]

4. Semester (3)

153.075 Chemistry for TPH (VO)
136.015 Electrodynamics I (VU) [251]
134.126 Laboratory Work III (PR) [10]

5. Semester (3)

138.066 Computing for TPH I (VU) [42]
141.A71 Physical Measurement Technique I (VO) [5]
136.019 Quantum Mechanics I (VU) [293]

6. Semester (3)

142.086 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (VO)
138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
136.020 Statistical Physics I (VU) [246]

7. Semester (9)

134.514 Atomare Stoßprozesse (VO)
141.A35 Atomic and Molecular Physics, Spectroscopy Quantum Metrology (VO) [3]
136.047 Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56]
136.018 Electrodynamics II (VO)
164.174 Physical Chemistry (VO)
134.048 Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27]
136.027 Quantum Mechanics II (VU) [189]
138.024 Solid state physics ll (VO)
304.524 Strömungslehre für Physiker (VO)

8. Semester (6)

142.092 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics II (VO)
142.084 Energy Supply Today and Tomorrow (VO)
138.094 Numerical methods and simulation (VU) [23]
134.193 Physical Measurement Technique II (VO) [1]
132.065 Statistical Physics II (VO)
142.090 Statistics (VO) [43]

Without semester recommendation (298)

134.995 Acoustical Engineering (VO)
302.699 Advanced and Alternative Energy Systems (LU)
141.B11 Advances in Quantum Science and Quantum Technology (SE)
141.A40 Application of ionizing radiation in medicine (VO)
141.905 Application of radiation physics in engeneering and medicine (SE)
132.070 Applied Quantum Mechanics (VO)
141.399 Archaeometry: physical methods of dating (SV)
142.094 Astro-Particle Physics (VO)
134.514 Atomare Stoßprozesse (VO)
142.086 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (VO)
142.089 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (UE) [31]
142.093 Atomic , nuclear and particle physics II (UE) [21]
141.058 Ausgew.Kap.der Tieftemperaturphysik (SE)
134.163 Basic Electronics (VU) [49]
142.440 Biol.u.Med.Anw.der Kernphysik II (SV)
142.081 Biological and Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics I (VO)
101.028 Biomedical Engineering: An Introduction (VO)
134.202 Biomembranes (VO)
136.084 Black Hole Physics project (PR)
136.028 Black Holes I (VU) [41]
136.029 Black Holes II (VU) [41]
159.830 Brennstofftechnologie (VO)
141.075 calculational exercises in radiation protection I (UE)
153.075 Chemistry for TPH (VO)
132.023 Classical and Quantum Chaos (SV)
132.073 Coherent Control of Quantum Systems (VO)
134.230 Colloid and Interface Physics (VO)
138.058 Computational Materials Science (VU) [26]
136.081 Cosmology and particle physics (VO)
131.038 Discussion with diplomands (PV)
131.042 Discussion with diplomands (PV)
138.077 Discussion with diplomands (PV)
138.004 discussion with students (PV)
136.068 DK-lecture BIOINTERFACE (VO)
166.127 Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO)
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
134.206 Electrochemical Surface Science (VO)
136.047 Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56]
134.049 Electronic Circuit Technology (VO)
138.100 Electronic data processing for experiments (UE)
138.099 Electronic data processing for experimnets (VO)
134.161 Electronic Measurement Technique (VO)
134.089 Electronic Structure of Solids and Surfaces (VO)
138.049 Electron microscopy (PR)
373.009 Energy Economics and Climate Change (VO)
142.084 Energy Supply Today and Tomorrow (VO)
163.135 Environmental Chemistry (VO)
231.038 Ethics and technology (series of lectures) (VO)
138.118 exclusive tutorial postgraduate (PV)
134.326 Exp.Methoden der Oberflächenphysik (VO)
141.A99 Experiments at the MedAustron Particle Accelerator - Applied Particle Physics and Medical Physics (LU)
164.212 Fuel Cells (VO)
134.204 Functional Imaging Technology and Devices - Physical Principles (VO)
138.056 Functional Materials (VO)
141.234 Fundamental Physics with Coherent X-Rays and Neutrons (VO)
141.236 Fundamental Physics with Polarized Neutrons (VO)
136.007 Geometry, Topology and Physics I (VU) [1]
136.004 Geometry, Topology and Physics II (VU)
136.002 Geometry and Gravitation -- Differential Geometry and General Relativity (SV)
136.008 Geometry and Gravitation II (SV)
136.064 Graduate seminar Particles & Interactions (SE)
134.225 Graduiertenseminar Biophysik Doktoratskolleg Biointerface (SE)
141.A76 Graphical Programming and Experiment Control (LU)
141.B16 Gravitation and Cosmology I (VO)
141.B04 Gravitation and Cosmology II (VO)
133.293 Grundlagen der Elektronenmikroskopie/I (VO)
134.359 Grundlagen der Plasmatheorie (VO)
131.047 Highly correlated electron systems (VO)
133.031 High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM) (VO)
141.457 Hochtemperatursupraleiter (SV)
134.177 Introduction into Acoustics (VO) [1]
134.194 Introduction into Plasmaphysics and -technology (VO)
141.A56 Introduction into teaching of Physics at the university level (SP)
138.039 Introduction into the fields of science and research of the Faculty of Physics. (PR)
136.026 Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3]
138.043 Introduction to low temperture physics and technology (VO) [5]
141.B07 Introduction to medical physics aspects of ion beam therapy (VO)
141.B00 Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics I (VO)
141.B01 Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics I (UE)
141.B02 Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics II (VO)
141.B03 Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics II (UE) [14]
134.152 Introduction to Nanotechnology (VD)
135.045 Introduction to quantum electrodynamics (SV) [20]
141.724 Isotopentechnik (SV)
135.046 Journal Club Mathematical Physics 1 (SV)
135.048 Journal Club Mathematical Physics 2 (SV)
136.060 Journal Club Theoretical Quantum Dynamics (SE)
141.A78 Laboratory Course in Neutron Physics (LU)
141.A81 laboratory exercise in radiochemistry (LU)
134.154 Laser in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine (VO)
136.022 Logical methods in theoretical physics (VO)
138.034 Low Temperture Physics (VO)
138.128 Machine Learning in Physics (VU)
141.231 Macroscopic Quantum Systems (VO)
133.000 Magnetic Relaxation processes (VO)
138.033 Magnetism (VO)
134.231 Mammalian Cell Culture (VO)
134.232 Mammalian Cell Culture (LU)
138.065 Materials Synthesis (VO) [9]
141.225 Medical Physics of diagnostic imaging (VO)
141.A84 Methods and applications of radiation physics (LU)
138.091 Methods and Materials of the moderen optical spectroscopy (VO)
141.A45 Methods for Particle Physics (PR)
141.A41 Metrology (VU)
134.221 Micropatterning of proteins in the live cell plasma membrane (LU)
134.996 Microscopy on Biomolecules (VO)
141.A73 mitdenken.erlaub@tuwien.ac.at (VO)
134.209 Molecular Biophysics (VO)
134.215 Multiscale Computational Tribology (VO)
141.242 Neutron and X-ray Diffraction (VO)
142.318 Neutronen-und Kernphysik (SV)
141.158 Neutronenoptik und Tomographie (SV)
134.069 New Development in Surface Science (SE)
138.048 Nuclear Magnetic Methods (Mössbauer Spectroscopy) (VO)
372.028 Numerical analysis of electrical machines and devices (VU)
134.645 Numerical Methods in Surface Physics (VO)
134.172 Particle Solid Interactions (VO)
142.725 Pfadintegral i.Quantenmech.u.Feldtheorie (VO)
132.968 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (SV)
141.B10 PhD seminar (PV)
134.750 Phys.Grundlagen d.Kernfusionsreaktors (VO)
133.054 Physical properties of high-temperature superconductors (VO)
141.A52 Physics at the LHC: Measurement of the Higgs Boson and Searches for Physics beyond the Standard Model (VO)
142.072 Physics of Exotic Atoms (SV)
133.019 Physics of Magnetic Materials (VO)
133.043 Physics of silicon semiconductors (VO)
136.051 Physics of soft matter (VO)
138.032 Physics of thin films (VO)
138.035 Physics of thin films (UE)
134.179 Physics Problem Solving with Symbolic Languages (UE)
134.180 Physics Problem Solving with Symbolic Languages (VO)
134.048 Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27]
142.769 Physik der Atmosphäre (SV)
134.169 Plasma Technology and -Chemistry (VO)
311.089 PLC: Programming and Industrial Communication (VO)
370.002 Power Supply (VO)
370.024 Power Supply Laboratory (UE)
141.106 Practical course on Archaeometry (LU)
141.A82 Practical Course on Radiation Protection (LU)
141.A79 Practical course on Reactor instrumentation (LU)
141.A87 Practical Exercises at the Reactor (LU)
141.A33 Presentation techniques for physicists (SE)
133.005 Privatissima für Diss. (PV)
136.085 Privatissimum (PV)
138.093 Privatissimum Diss. (PV)
133.248 Privatissimum f.Dipl.u.Diss. (PV)
133.325 Privatissimum f.Dipl.u.Diss. (PV) [4]
133.127 Privatissimum f.Dissertanten (PV)
134.088 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
134.100 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
134.196 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
134.213 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
134.224 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
138.020 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
138.022 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
138.060 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
141.118 Privatissimum for doctoral thesis (PV)
132.018 Privatissimum for Ph.D.Students (PV)
135.035 Privatissimum for Ph.D. students (PV)
136.061 Privatissimum for Ph.D. students (PV)
136.043 Privatissimum for PhD-students (PV)
132.041 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
136.082 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
141.A39 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
141.A42 Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV)
141.B06 Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV)
141.A38 Privatissimum for PhD students Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
138.125 Privatissimum for PhD theses (PV)
141.138 Privatissimum for PhD thesis students (PV)
134.036 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.065 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.066 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.070 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.071 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.072 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.073 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.075 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.076 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
134.077 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
141.113 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
141.232 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
141.B17 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
142.018 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
142.023 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PR)
142.063 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
143.009 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
143.012 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
133.030 Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden (PV)
131.041 Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV)
136.080 Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV)
136.091 Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV)
138.126 Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV)
141.A53 Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV)
138.095 Privatissmum for Doctor¿s thesis (PV)
136.052 Privitassimum for PhD stuidents (PV)
322.068 Project Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (PR)
141.A95 Project thesis Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics (PR)
141.A96 Project thesis Weak Interaction (PR)
141.A72 Project work metrology (PR)
136.079 Project work on wavefunction based methods in solid state physics (PR)
136.090 Project work on wavefunction based methods in solid state physics (PR)
134.229 Projektarbeit Applied Interface Physics (PR)
141.A27 Projektarbeit Atomic Clocks and Quantum Metrology (PR)
141.A21 Projektarbeit Nuclear Astrophysics (PR)
141.A22 Projektarbeit Nuclear Physics (PR)
134.228 Projektarbeit Surface Structure and Reactivity (PR)
141.124 Quanten-Interferometrie im Phasenraum II (SV)
132.002 Quantenberechenbarkeit u. -komplexitätstheorie (VO)
142.197 Quantenchromodynamik (VO)
135.817 Quantenfeldtheorie I (VO)
135.828 Quantenfeldtheorie II (VO)
142.923 Quantum Chromo Dynamics II (VO)
138.088 Quantum Field Theorie for many body systems (UE) [64]
136.041 Quantum field theory and symmetries II (VO)
138.062 Quantum field theory for many body systems (VO)
141.B09 Quantum information theory (VO)
141.B21 Quantum information theory II (VO)
141.A10 Quantum Optics I (VO)
141.A11 Quantum Optics II (VO)
141.A86 Quantum Physics Quantum Physics (LU)
141.A16 Quantum Technology I (VO)
141.721 Radiation protection of nonionizing radiation (SV)
141.295 Radiochemie I (SV)
141.600 Radionuklidbestimmung in Umweltproben (LU)
141.281 Radioökologie (SV) [1]
141.537 Reaktorphysik I (SV)
141.032 Reaktortechnik I - nuclear engineering I (SV)
141.658 Reaktortechnik II (VO)
133.047 Research seminar for doctoral thesis (PV)
133.606 Research seminar for doctoral thesis (PV)
138.120 Research Seminar for Doctoral Thesis (PV)
143.026 Research seminar for doctoral thesis (PV)
141.194 Research seminar for master- and doctoral studies on radioecology and environmental radiometry (PV)
253.118 Ringvorlesung Ökologie (VO)
141.B20 Rydberg matter and condensed plasma (VO)
141.A54 Science TU You - Science - communication in practice (SP)
138.089 Scientific Computing (VU) [5]
141.A49 Search for Dark Matter (VO)
141.243 Selected experiments of atomic, nuclear and particle physics (VO)
360.223 Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices, Simulation (VU)
136.063 Selected Topics from Elementary Particle Physics (VO)
141.543 Sem.Neutronen-und Festkörperphysik (SE)
362.084 Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE)
132.036 Seminar for theoretical physics (SE)
136.058 Seminar in Theoretical Physics II (SE)
138.001 SEMINAR of solid state physics (SE)
142.069 Seminar on Atomic and Subatomic Physics (SE)
132.071 Seminar on Fundamental Interactions 1 (PR)
132.074 Seminar on Fundamental Interactions 2 (PR)
141.B19 Seminar on Medical Radiation Physics and Ion-Beam Therapy (SE)
134.099 Seminary on Computational Materials Science (SE)
134.081 Seminary on Physics in General (SE)
141.114 Seminar über Reaktorsicherheit (SE)
366.057 Sensors and Microsystem Technology for BME (VO) [1]
366.051 Sensors for MS (VO)
366.071 Sensor Systems (VO)
389.040 Signal Detection (VO)
138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
142.064 Solitons, differential geometrie and topology (SV)
134.108 Sound Propagation and Noise Protection (VO)
132.035 Special Topics in Atomic Theory (SV)
138.057 Spectroscopy of Solids (VO)
141.222 SQUIDs - Basics and Applications (VO)
142.340 Statistical methods in data evaluation (SV)
142.351 Statistical Methods of Data Analysis (UE) [39]
136.050 Statistical Physics II Exercise course (UE) [53]
142.090 Statistics (VO) [43]
141.599 Str.Phys.u.Ges.Aspekte d.Strahlenschutz. (VO) [4]
141.405 Strahlenphysik (SV)
353.095 Stromversorgungen und Schaltnetzteile (VO)
304.524 Strömungslehre für Physiker (VO)
134.220 Superresolution microscopy with single molecules (LU)
141.685 Supraleitung (SV)
141.388 Supraleitung:neuere Entwicklungen (SE)
134.165 Surface Physics (VO)
134.192 Surface Physics and -Analytics (VO)
136.014 Symmetries and QFT I (VO)
141.010 Techn.Strahlenschutz I (SV)
131.058 Technical Optics (VO)
034.003 Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO)
138.103 Techniques of analytical elctron microscopy (VO)
141.A88 Techniques of signal detection and analysis (VO)
141.A89 Techniques of signal detection and analysis (UE)
138.030 Technology of thin films (VO)
141.944 Teilchenbeschleuniger (SV)
132.054 Theoretical Solid State Theory II (SV)
132.034 Theoretische Festkörperphysik I (SV)
134.086 Theory of Electronic Spectra of Solids and Surfaces (VO)
136.086 Thermal field theory (VO)
136.088 Thermodynamics (UE) [9]
136.089 Thermodynamics (VO)
302.034 Thermodynamics in power engineering (VO)
302.048 Thermodynamics in power engineering (UE)
302.691 Thermodynamics of Advanced and Alternative Energy Conversion Methods (VU)
134.157 Ultrasound in Nature, Engineering and Medicine (VU)
133.026 Versetzungen in Kristallen (VO)
034.004 Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE)
141.211 X-ray analytical methods (VO)