• Overview

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Technical Physics (2024S)

Courses (excluding empty):

1. Semester (10)

103.057 Analysis 1 for TPH (VO) [2]
103.088 Analysis I for TPH (UE) [200]
103.064 Exercises Linear Algebra for TPH (UE) [108]
130.001 Fundamentals of Physics Ia (VU) [116]
130.002 Fundamentals of Physics Ib (VU) [1]
103.066 Lecture Linear Algebra for TPH (VO) [18]
103.089 Practical Analysis I for Technical Physics (VU) [155]

2. Semester (7)

103.091 Analysis II for Technical Physicists (UE) [72]
103.087 Analysis II for TPH (VO) [3]
134.163 Basic Electronics (VU) [45]
138.010 experimental excercise in physics (PR) [7]
130.003 Fundamentals of Physics IIa (VU) [67]
130.004 Fundamentals of Physics IIb (VU) [31]
103.058 Practical Analysis II for Technical Physicists (VU) [68]

3. Semester (6)

130.009 Analytic Mechanics for TPH (VU) [70]
134.120 Basic Principles of Physics III (VO) [3]
134.125 Basic Principles of Physics III (UE) [150]
134.124 Laboratory Work II (PR) [8]
130.007 Technical Mechanics for TPH (VU) [36]

4. Semester (4)

136.015 Electrodynamics I (VU) [251]
134.126 Laboratory Work III (PR) [10]

5. Semester (3)

141.A71 Physical Measurement Technique I (VO) [5]
136.019 Quantum Mechanics I (VU) [293]

6. Semester (3)

138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
136.020 Statistical Physics I (VU) [244]

7. Semester (9)

141.A35 Atomic and Molecular Physics, Spectroscopy Quantum Metrology (VO) [3]
136.047 Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56]
134.048 Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27]
136.027 Quantum Mechanics II (VU) [189]

8. Semester (7)

138.094 Numerical methods and simulation (VU) [23]
134.193 Physical Measurement Technique II (VO) [1]
142.090 Statistics (VO) [43]

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (381)

142.089 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (UE) [31]
142.093 Atomic , nuclear and particle physics II (UE) [21]
134.163 Basic Electronics (VU) [45]
136.028 Black Holes I (VU) [41]
136.029 Black Holes II (VU) [41]
138.058 Computational Materials Science (VU) [26]
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
136.047 Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56]
136.007 Geometry, Topology and Physics I (VU) [1]
134.177 Introduction into Acoustics (VO) [1]
136.026 Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3]
138.043 Introduction to low temperture physics and technology (VO) [5]
141.B03 Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics II (UE) [14]
135.045 Introduction to quantum electrodynamics (SV) [20]
138.065 Materials Synthesis (VO) [9]
134.048 Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27]
133.325 Privatissimum f.Dipl.u.Diss. (PV) [4]
138.088 Quantum Field Theorie for many body systems (UE) [64]
141.281 Radioökologie (SV) [1]
138.089 Scientific Computing (VU) [5]
366.092 Sensors (VU) [1]
366.057 Sensors and Microsystem Technology for BME (VO) [1]
138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
142.351 Statistical Methods of Data Analysis (UE) [39]
136.050 Statistical Physics II Exercise course (UE) [53]
142.090 Statistics (VO) [43]
141.599 Str.Phys.u.Ges.Aspekte d.Strahlenschutz. (VO) [4]