• Overview

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Chemical and Process Engineering (2022S)

Courses (excluding empty):

1. Semester (10)

2. Semester (8)

311.123 Physics for MB (VO) [6]

3. Semester (9)

104.293 Mathematics 3 for MB, WIMB and VT (UE) [6]
104.295 Mathematics 3 for MB, WIMB and VT (VO) [14]
301.058 Mechanics of solid bodies for chemical engineers 2 (VU) [1]
164.340 Physical Chemistry for VT Calc Lab (UE) [49]

4. Semester (9)

163.133 Chemical Technology of organic materials for process engineers (VO) [10]

5. Semester (7)

319.032 Singlephase and Multiphase Flows (VU) [6]

6. Semester (6)

7. Semester (7)

8. Semester (10)

322.063 Heat and Mass Transfer 2 (VU) [1]

9. Semester (1)

330.229 Cost Accounting (VU) [5]

Without semester recommendation (143)

166.681 Biochemistry (SE) [1]
166.158 Bioprocess Engineering Calculation Exercises (RU) [24]
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
164.273 electronic - cafe 1 (VU) [24]
164.274 electronic - cafe 2 (VU) [12]
164.287 European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [6]
317.016 Fundamentals of Finite Element Methods and other Methods in Computational Structural Mechanics (VO) [6]
322.061 Fundamentals of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics (UE) [4]
136.026 Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3]
319.030 Multiphase Systems (VO) [5]